Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Elephant Island

Elephant Island was an incredibly harsh island, with high cliffs and rocky beaches, but it was land nonetheless. For the first two days, they did nothing but eat and sleep. They were half mad with sleep deprivation and starvation. They then started to make a shelter from the waves and weather. They made a circular wall of stones and put one of the boats on top. There was hardly enough room for all the men to lie down in. During the boat trip, Perce Blackboro had gotten hypothermia on his feet and he had to have all of his toes taken off. Shackleton knew that if they did not find civilization soon, they would all die, so he chose four of the best men and took the best of the supplies the men had, and set off on the James Caird to sail to South Georgia. He set sail on April 24.

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